I agree, The right to bare arms is an important freedom that most should have. Both american and british politics is a mess, many members in parliament are udderly useless and are lazy, they just collect a paycheck. While american politicians are much busier (bigger country and more people than the UK) they to are subject to outside influence and it kills us. Im a libertarian, i believe people should govern themselves more than what most think in modern society, cause i honestly believe in common sense. lol Many far left liberals and far right conservatives dont believe that, and think they need to run the show to keep order. Our founding fathers were maybe the smartest group of individuals since the renaissance. They agreed that government should be limited, and that is why our country became such a great nation, we built it for the people and for them to run it as such. :)
EDIT: @ robin you are sorely mistaken about insurance companies lol, yes many had troubles and screwed up. Also, Universal health care is so much more pricey for the average person is crazy. but it was the banks who did the real damage. Due to government regulation, they hid what they were doing. The influx in all those loans was absolutely disgusting, there needed to be some hault to that. Too bad the government wanted the market to collapse and didnt do anything to prevent hte whole hedgefund fiasco.
I disagree with you Freshy. im more worried about a government oppressing me than any damn terrorist. Im not right by any means, i more liberal than anything. but a true lib always believe in that right. Because it is a necessity in times of war, and revolution. i just dont believe in big government and regulations and that its more the governments fault for intervening than anything that has killed our country. Look at the reagan era, the government made unmatchable wealth through taxes yet the taxes were smaller than any modern president. why? when there are less restrictions, there is less drive to cheat the system. lol I usually just say it how it is, im by no means a reagan supporter though. He was good, but had many faults.
EDIT: There is crime everywhere, and guns or no guns shouldnt be a debate. I would keep the right to have guns and weapons solely for the fact that if, in the future something was to happen i would be well prepared to take care of myself, whether it be hunting, or protection. I think england, having been htere quite a few times though doesnt need gun laws whether it be to have them or to ban them because it has much different variables in place than we here in the usa. :) I just think its stupid to actively oppose people from having them, after all it is regulated through classes here and its only the very few that end up miss using them with registered firearms, like the case of trayvon. He is right about chicago though, since it banned firearms, crime has become even worse.
@GEordie, im sorry my friend but "you dont have to pay for health care" if its universal? that is the most naive thing i've ever read from you. Not passing jusgement but come on, you seriously think you dont pay for universial health care? As i recall, especially in canada the care is far worse than the third party insurance we get here in the united states. furthermore you will be paying for it in taxes, adding up making it alot more pricey. You just dont see a bill or total saying that your paying for it. Yeah its great that everyone can get healthcare but seriously... you pay more for it through taxes than paying that monthly bill.
Oh and youre wrong, the uk + all of europe have tons more crime than just the USA. And thats reported, there are many times that crime goes unreported... lol Europe isnt the safest of places dude, not saying usa is either im just saying europe has a whole is far worse than the usa lol look it up.
AND are you kidding me with the armed robbery, doesnt happen to banks? it does happen occasionally near ghetto's at a 7-11 or gas station lol. thats about 60 dollars of armed robbery and people rarely get hurt. Alot of times the guns arent even loaded... (i actually had a friend imprisoned for such an act, when the gun wasnt loaded) lol i think you watch too much hollywood.
You do realise the news you watch, and read whether it be AP, BBC, or any ones in the UK or international arent pro american right? they embelish alot, there is much more rpetty theft, theft etc. in London than just about any big city excluding maybe detroit, and miami lol
one love