Why do so many Brits hate Libertarians and the American second amendment?
Tea Party Patriot
2012-03-22 09:08:53 UTC
UK has some of the stupidest criminal laws. One lady in the UK was arrested for protecting her daughter by stabbing a criminal in her house with a fork after the criminal broke in to her house. For her heroic action she got arrested for assault?

Is self-defense considered a crime in the UK? Stupid.

America has more intelligent laws, we are allowed to take action and protect ourselves. Except for a few fascist cities like Chicago, New York, and Washington DC.

Second amendment is extremely important to freedom and to prevent a fascist takeover.

And yes USA is a quasi-fascist nation, thanks to Obama. Obama is clearly the worst American president ever.
Fifteen answers:
2012-03-22 09:15:35 UTC
The UK does have the dumbest laws and rules you will ever hear. Self defence basically yeah, is not allowed even if your own home. A woman was once sued and jailed because a robber walking over a glass ceiling at her house fell through, and landed on a knife going straight through his arm, the robber got compensation and then had to pay for the glass ceiling and that was it.

Our laws such as the Health & Safety Regulations and parts of the Human Rights legislation are the biggest amount of bullshit ever. The indigenous white man has to be careful about literally everything they say now to make sure they are not insulting anyone in some f*cked up way. That's a different topic though.

Speaking of topics, this is in the English Football section?
2012-03-22 11:06:57 UTC
Oh great, just what I need,.

chavs with legal guns, hate shootings that become legal!- shootings in schools the lot.

that biggest threat to yourself and your family is the person in the street or your next door neighbour. Not the government,

you watch for to much V for Vendetta ....

if we had made guns legal we would be controlled by gangs. Amy any way with a condition called Ulcertive Colitis I can't say I am keen on your health care system.

plenty of people in your country with this condition cannot get health insurance, can't afford the drugs so die as a a result.

edit: Then you will be well aware of the problems faced in Victorian times with the gangs in this country. They were the problem, not the government.

with ineffective police we would be living in a war zone. You don;t live here- you don't' understand the situation. USA is a completely different country and a different people to the British.

Edit: anti-family values ? the only way you will get that back is insisting on women staying home to look after the kids, which is wrong. No little to no divorce rates . Gangs with young people have been around for nearly a thousand years. The idea of the perfect little British family was only ever possible in the upper classes. Lower class families would often have eight kids on average, no education and putting kids down the pits at just age 14.

being in a gang was a very glamourous thing to do. And the Police let them. Back then there was no real family unit.

and no, if everyone has guns we would have chaos ... kids taking them into schools and the lot. The police would lose control and the likes of Rhys Jones would happen far too often ( it happens far too often as it is at the moment)

edit:Hakuna you don;t get it, we are a completely and utterly different people and kind of country from you. What works for you, does not for us.

I going tot ake a line what of what the rest of your "fellow Americans " when anyone else tries to get involved in your politics. Stay out of our business

what gives you the right to tell us what si wrong with our country?
2012-03-22 09:53:55 UTC
This Tea Bagger Idiot is just that, an idiot. He doesn't even know what fascism is. Those cities he mentioned are liberal cities, fascism is an ultra conservative movement.

You talk about government getting out of people's lives, yet it is YOUR own teabag party that wants to push more and more legislation controlling our choices and freedoms. Listen buddy, if you hate the government so much and think the government is evil, I suggest you go live in one of those third world anarchist countries were regional warlords and strongmen fight for power.

The US Constitution was written a LONG time ago, parts of it cannot be strictly interpreted because the world is a much more complicated place now. The right to bear arms was put in there so people could protect themselves from the British, and especially because we didn't have a real army or police force. That ammendment is way too outdated for today's society and all it does is cause more problems, because everyone and their grandmas can get a hold of a gun and go on a shooting rampage. If we make it harder for people to get guns so that only the most responsible people can own them, crime would decrease.

EDIT: You need to go back to school to learn what fascism is, and the fact it is an ultra conservative movement. Oh wait I'm sorry, you teabaggers don't believe in education because it is "liberal indoctrination".

Libertarians like Ron Paul live in an ideal colorful happy utopia where everyone is nice to each other, there is no corruption, everyone is ethical, etc. The fact is the world isn't like that and is much more complicated, libertarianism has never worked and will never work.

EDIT: The right to protect yourself from who? Certainly not from foreign invaders as we have incredible armed forces. And look what that right gets us, an idiot from Florida who shoots a 17 year old black kid because he "looked suspicious". Or idiots that shoot up a club because they were drunk and carrying a gun. Trigger happy morons should be banned from carrying guns. Yes, parts of the Constitution are clearly outdated for today's world, especially "the right to bear arms". Things were very very different back then than they are now.

EDIT: So you want to bring the wild west back?? Thats whats going to happen if everyone just started shootouts against drug cartels. Besides, everyone will have to have their guns already drawn if you think they're gonna be effective against a drug gang that drives by and shoots a bunch of people, and they would have to be trained to not panic under fire. What we need is tighter border control, and more police and even military presense in troubled areas. And we need tougher laws and harsher penalties for crimes, not the slaps on the wrist we hand out now.
2012-03-22 11:54:45 UTC
What does it have to do with you?

You don't live here, you don't know what it is like, so you have no cause nor right to pass judgement.

And if you DO live here, then why don't you move to America if you love it so much... Just don't come crying to us if you can't get decent health care because you are not fortunate to have the money to pay for it.

Simple fact - Our justice system is flawed, but it is foundation for systems around the World... As is our Health Care System.

If guns are so perfect and cause no problems, Explain something for me - Why does the USA have a higher gun crime PERCENTAGE than the UK and Europe as a whole? Hmmm?

You just seem like a sad little bitter hick to me.

Oh, and owned by Bucephallus.

edit: "UK has a much worse crime problem then the USA" - That's just simply not true though is it?

You rarely see stories of armed robbery in the UK, happens all the time in America. You have a much bigger gang culture than us. You have a higher murder per capita rating. You have more burglaries, more rapes and more drug associated crimes. FACT.

"Nations like Colombia, Zaire, Indonesia have much higher gun murder % then the USA." - Okay... Fine, but I did infact say the UK and Europe... None of those countries are in Europe, and all of them are either third world or developing countries... That's my point... What's yours?
2012-03-22 09:23:52 UTC
Oh come on... as if your newspapers and news channels never tell stupid stories. The only reason that story is even a story is because it is so silly. British law may not be perfect but it is practiced by dozens of countries around the globe and is the benchmark for excellence.

Our biggest problem started in America when layers and insurance companies decided to make litigation into an alternative career choice and people started throwing themselves into accidents. Where there is a buck to be made, there is someone lining up to claim it. British courts have taken almost 10 years to catch up but sure enough if there is money to be made some immoral piece of work will pad out their claim and another will make an out of court settlement. Meanwhile insurance premiums go up and ordinary law abiding people suffer.

Oh well at least we don't have to buy insurance for our healthcare... so no one goes without the treatment they need.
2012-03-26 06:56:14 UTC
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. You believe the right wing trash that comes out of the Republican Party machine, you are no better than those who believe the Democratic nonsense.

You know in the UK we have 1/4 the murder rate of the US??
2012-03-22 09:27:48 UTC
Same here in Canada - pisses off many people that you have to nearly kiss the assailant's ***.

I think what most normal people around the globe take exception to is that you can almost buy guns from vending machines in the United States.
2012-03-22 10:24:34 UTC
kinda like that kid who was just killed by the neighborhood watchmen for having an ice tea and bag of skittles

and i usually don't agree with freshy but he makes some good points
2012-03-22 09:38:08 UTC
I agree, The right to bare arms is an important freedom that most should have. Both american and british politics is a mess, many members in parliament are udderly useless and are lazy, they just collect a paycheck. While american politicians are much busier (bigger country and more people than the UK) they to are subject to outside influence and it kills us. Im a libertarian, i believe people should govern themselves more than what most think in modern society, cause i honestly believe in common sense. lol Many far left liberals and far right conservatives dont believe that, and think they need to run the show to keep order. Our founding fathers were maybe the smartest group of individuals since the renaissance. They agreed that government should be limited, and that is why our country became such a great nation, we built it for the people and for them to run it as such. :)

EDIT: @ robin you are sorely mistaken about insurance companies lol, yes many had troubles and screwed up. Also, Universal health care is so much more pricey for the average person is crazy. but it was the banks who did the real damage. Due to government regulation, they hid what they were doing. The influx in all those loans was absolutely disgusting, there needed to be some hault to that. Too bad the government wanted the market to collapse and didnt do anything to prevent hte whole hedgefund fiasco.

I disagree with you Freshy. im more worried about a government oppressing me than any damn terrorist. Im not right by any means, i more liberal than anything. but a true lib always believe in that right. Because it is a necessity in times of war, and revolution. i just dont believe in big government and regulations and that its more the governments fault for intervening than anything that has killed our country. Look at the reagan era, the government made unmatchable wealth through taxes yet the taxes were smaller than any modern president. why? when there are less restrictions, there is less drive to cheat the system. lol I usually just say it how it is, im by no means a reagan supporter though. He was good, but had many faults.

EDIT: There is crime everywhere, and guns or no guns shouldnt be a debate. I would keep the right to have guns and weapons solely for the fact that if, in the future something was to happen i would be well prepared to take care of myself, whether it be hunting, or protection. I think england, having been htere quite a few times though doesnt need gun laws whether it be to have them or to ban them because it has much different variables in place than we here in the usa. :) I just think its stupid to actively oppose people from having them, after all it is regulated through classes here and its only the very few that end up miss using them with registered firearms, like the case of trayvon. He is right about chicago though, since it banned firearms, crime has become even worse.

@GEordie, im sorry my friend but "you dont have to pay for health care" if its universal? that is the most naive thing i've ever read from you. Not passing jusgement but come on, you seriously think you dont pay for universial health care? As i recall, especially in canada the care is far worse than the third party insurance we get here in the united states. furthermore you will be paying for it in taxes, adding up making it alot more pricey. You just dont see a bill or total saying that your paying for it. Yeah its great that everyone can get healthcare but seriously... you pay more for it through taxes than paying that monthly bill.

Oh and youre wrong, the uk + all of europe have tons more crime than just the USA. And thats reported, there are many times that crime goes unreported... lol Europe isnt the safest of places dude, not saying usa is either im just saying europe has a whole is far worse than the usa lol look it up.

AND are you kidding me with the armed robbery, doesnt happen to banks? it does happen occasionally near ghetto's at a 7-11 or gas station lol. thats about 60 dollars of armed robbery and people rarely get hurt. Alot of times the guns arent even loaded... (i actually had a friend imprisoned for such an act, when the gun wasnt loaded) lol i think you watch too much hollywood.

You do realise the news you watch, and read whether it be AP, BBC, or any ones in the UK or international arent pro american right? they embelish alot, there is much more rpetty theft, theft etc. in London than just about any big city excluding maybe detroit, and miami lol

one love
2012-03-22 14:19:07 UTC
LMFAO. This is a FOOTBALL forum you stupid SEPTIC TANK. Go to the f^cking political forum with your stupid f^cking big mouth American bull sh!t.
2012-03-22 09:38:30 UTC
tea baggers still believe the world is flat
Bob the jackson
2012-03-23 08:56:56 UTC
Because they're stupid.

Holy shat those are a lot of @s
2012-03-22 09:15:46 UTC
And the connection to football is ????
2012-03-22 09:14:28 UTC
U want a cookie?
2012-03-22 09:40:51 UTC
your wrong

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