Are you as fed up as i am of all these stupid little braindead morons who rant on about how great their team (regardless of who, no bias here) and the rest are scum, t0ssers,@rseholes, etc,etc, because they haven't got a clue about fooball, just support that team because the were winning at the time they grew their 1 and only brain cell. I support Man Utd, been watching them since i was 5(1971). I'm gutted about yesterday, don't think we deserved that, but congrats to Arsenal they kept going to the end ,we've done that to teams loads of times and in long run will do us good(see how it hurts & make sure, as Fergie sed, It DON'T happen again.
As for the rest of the season, we actually ended the W/E better off than we started it & we will go on & win the Lge because
1. CHELSEA.. bubble bursting, we knew it would eventually, too many ""superstars"" upsetting the harmony, too many organ grinders (Leeches, Kenyon etc)
2. ARSENAL... good youngsters.overplay too miuch & not up for a battle