In soccer, lacrosse, etc.: 4-4-3... 4 indicates the number of forwards. The second 4 indicates the number of midfielders. The 3 indicate the number of defensemen. Because there are ten players (excluding the goalie) 4-4-3, etc., is an incorrect combination. It would have to be: 3-4-3, 4-3-3, etc. Thanks!
In Baseball: 4-4-3, 6-4-3, etc. is the numbers of the positions involved during a double play. The number of each position is as follows.
1- Pitcher
2- Catcher
3- 1st Baseman 1B
4- 2nd Baseman 2B
5- 3rd Baseman 3B
6- Shortstop SS
7- Left Fielder
8- Center Fielder
9- Right Fielder
For example, a 6-4-3 double play would be a ground ball to the SS, SS throws to the 2B as second for the first out, and the 2B throws to the 1B for the second out.
If the number is something like 6-6-3, it means that the SS fields the ball, touches second base for the first out, and throws the the 1B for the second out.
Hopefully this clears things up for you. Glad to be a help!