2010-10-31 12:43:38 UTC
And any other stupid fvcking cvnt who thought the Mackems woul beat us at home?
I TELT ya, dint a? Dint a fvcking tell ya? A did, a says this was no normal football match, no normal derby. Loudest derby in Britain, HANDS DOWN.
OOOOOOOAAAAAAAH, We hate Sundland, we hate Sundland, we hate Sundland, we hate Sundland, hate Sundland, HATE EM!
5-1, even Shola scored, 5-1 even Shola Scored.
Fvck off Steve Bruce, oh what can it be, for a, sad Mackem Bastad and a, sh!t football team.
Only two good teams in the North East - Newcastle United F.C. and Newcastle United Reserves F.C.